Welcome to our new adventure. The Eddy Family is on the move! But we are not going too far ... for now! We are moving from the mountains of North Carolina to the Charlotte area.
Our God has been moving in great ways to lead us to a decision to pursue becoming missionaries. It has been a long and challenging process that has culminated in very rapid action. We now find ourselves uprooting and changing every aspect of our lives as we seek to be obedient to the nudging of our Heavenly Father. We are moving in just twelve days. Thankfully, we will only be three hours away from our current home and we will be closer to family.
All that being said, we have cherished the process. We have rejoiced in the counsel of many godly leaders. What an amazing time to evaluate where God has brought us to in our marriage, 3 years after we said our vows. What does God purpose for us as a family? What do we desire to be, to become? If our lives were a musical composition, what would we stir in the hearts of listeners?
Blessing and confirmation has been abundant in this season, even on the days when we feel overwhelmed or brokenhearted by the packed boxes now furnishing our home. As we try to prepare for and envision what life will be like after the move it is clear that God has been our source of provision. So many potential stresses have been resolved. We have a place to live, a church, financial provision, and so much more. These encourage us as we continue to be human 😊 and ask questions of what God truly desires from our lives.
I know the details here are few, more will be explained as we proceed. We have much to learn and will be excited to share it with you as we go. Please pray with us as we begin this journey. If you would like to get in touch with us, leave a comment. We will provide you with more contact information for us in the future. Blessings to you friend!
Our God has been moving in great ways to lead us to a decision to pursue becoming missionaries. It has been a long and challenging process that has culminated in very rapid action. We now find ourselves uprooting and changing every aspect of our lives as we seek to be obedient to the nudging of our Heavenly Father. We are moving in just twelve days. Thankfully, we will only be three hours away from our current home and we will be closer to family.
All that being said, we have cherished the process. We have rejoiced in the counsel of many godly leaders. What an amazing time to evaluate where God has brought us to in our marriage, 3 years after we said our vows. What does God purpose for us as a family? What do we desire to be, to become? If our lives were a musical composition, what would we stir in the hearts of listeners?
Blessing and confirmation has been abundant in this season, even on the days when we feel overwhelmed or brokenhearted by the packed boxes now furnishing our home. As we try to prepare for and envision what life will be like after the move it is clear that God has been our source of provision. So many potential stresses have been resolved. We have a place to live, a church, financial provision, and so much more. These encourage us as we continue to be human 😊 and ask questions of what God truly desires from our lives.
I know the details here are few, more will be explained as we proceed. We have much to learn and will be excited to share it with you as we go. Please pray with us as we begin this journey. If you would like to get in touch with us, leave a comment. We will provide you with more contact information for us in the future. Blessings to you friend!
"May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make his face to shine upon us, Selah,
and make his face to shine upon us, Selah,
that your way may be known on earth,
your saving power among all nations.
your saving power among all nations.
Let the peoples praise you, O God;
let all the peoples praise you!"
let all the peoples praise you!"
Psalm 67:1-3 ESV