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Identity... Crisis or Calm?"Thus says the Lord,
he who created you, O Jacob,
he who formed you, O Israel:
Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by name, you are mine."
Isaiah 43:1

Claims upon Identity

What things stake a claim upon my identity? The Cambridge Dictionary explains, "If you stake a claim to something, you say or show that you have a right to it and that it should [emphasis added] belong to you."

It can mean serious business to stake a claim on something, but to make that claim stick you have to convince others that it truly is yours. It only "should" be yours until others are on board, recognizing your claim as valid.

There are many roles and traits that would stake a claim upon my identity. Some are good (wife, mother, loyal), some are not (insecure, prideful). Good or bad, these things can create an overwhelming sense of battle raging as they seek to solidify their claim. However, thinking of those things as only trying to lay claim to my identity is a fascinating perspective.

Much Less and Something More

As with many things in life, it is so important to have an anchor point for my identity. Certainly, I will play different roles at appropriate times and always posses various traits. Nonetheless, what is the center around which these things revolve? What is the standard against which I will measure secondary elements of my identity (How do I label something good or bad?)?

Isaiah 43 reminds me that the list under the category of "Identity" is much shorter yet more grand than I tend to make it. I am created by God. I am redeemed. These are the claims I want others to recognize and verify in my life. That's an identity that can center the chaos and measure what is true. Luke 15:3-7 tells me that there are heavenly witnesses to my identity in Christ. I am not a loosely held claim. I am His.