It's hard to wrap my mind around it being time to submit work permit and visa applications! We started our Wycliffe journey 19 months and a baby ago. We thought our goal would be to begin our field assignments in August of 2018. That goal became May or June of 2019. Then, it became January of 2020. I would call that a pretty good lesson in Proverbs 16:9. "The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." And how grateful we can be in this moment as we pause and see the many blessings that have come as a result of these changes.
We know that, had the Lord let it be that we departed for the Pacific with a six month old, we would have been able to lean on Him and adjust to our new location and roles. Yet, I must say, God's graciousness in allowing us more time to become more established as a family of three has been the greatest blessing of this time.
I will be perfectly honest and admit it has been a much harder adjustment, becoming a mother, than I had anticipated. Not only were there the day to day changes, but also the spiritual and mental changes to navigate. These changes will be developing for the rest of my life. Yet, in this first year of motherhood I have been so thankful to be able to focus on seeking God's purposes and lessons for me in the here and now. I count it as a mark of His knowledge of me and love for me that He knew I needed more time before taking on more changes.
And here we are! Looking right into the eyes of new changes. I pause and pray for the Lord to allow us to depart for the Pacific in January of 2020, I pray for new prayer and financial partners, I have an imaginary packing list, and in my daydreams I see myself joyfully (I hope) struggling through the culture shock and language learning. I am a pendulum swinging from fear and apprehension to trust and excitement from one moment to the next.
Words on a page in their language or see His Words expressed in their sign language. They don't know that Christ is the remedy. Knowing His Grace for myself, how can I not share these riches? And in the same breath, I confess my shortcomings in not doing this everyday. I pray God would give wisdom and boldness to us. He is faithful.
We know that, had the Lord let it be that we departed for the Pacific with a six month old, we would have been able to lean on Him and adjust to our new location and roles. Yet, I must say, God's graciousness in allowing us more time to become more established as a family of three has been the greatest blessing of this time.
I will be perfectly honest and admit it has been a much harder adjustment, becoming a mother, than I had anticipated. Not only were there the day to day changes, but also the spiritual and mental changes to navigate. These changes will be developing for the rest of my life. Yet, in this first year of motherhood I have been so thankful to be able to focus on seeking God's purposes and lessons for me in the here and now. I count it as a mark of His knowledge of me and love for me that He knew I needed more time before taking on more changes.And here we are! Looking right into the eyes of new changes. I pause and pray for the Lord to allow us to depart for the Pacific in January of 2020, I pray for new prayer and financial partners, I have an imaginary packing list, and in my daydreams I see myself joyfully (I hope) struggling through the culture shock and language learning. I am a pendulum swinging from fear and apprehension to trust and excitement from one moment to the next.
Our Heavenly Father may see yet other purposes and other timelines, but I confess this time feels different. He has been weaving this call to serve overseas into my life since I was about nine years old. Sometimes through pain and sometimes through joy we are shaped and matured. No wrong, no doubt, no fear of mine has ever been able to stand against the love of Christ on the cross. There are men, women, children who have not yet plumbed the depths of that love and grace as they read God's